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Retirement Adventures: Laptop Mishaps, Family Gatherings, and More

retirement adventures
Phyllis McCrossin Avatar

Retirement Adventures

Yesterday, our son, the one who designed and maintains our website, surprised me with a new (to me) laptop. It’s been a few years since I had to configure a new computer (to me, all computers, whether they are a PC, Mac, or Laptop, are simply called computers – sorry if that upsets the purists out there).

A New Laptop Unveiled

Today, I’ve made several trips to the campground store where reliable WiFi is available and downloaded a bunch of programs. One of the more mundane retirement adventures I’ve been on lately. I’m still not sure if everything is working correctly. The real test will be if I can successfully send this blog to my son. Currently, I’m supposedly working offline, but I’m not entirely convinced. If it were this easy for me, then it was obviously done incorrectly.

Embracing the Change

Anyway, fall is in the air, and the campground is beginning to show signs that summer is over. Many of the long-term campers have left. King and I are the holdouts, with our departure date set for the week after the Halloween Golf Outing (October 15) at Cheshire Hills Golf Course, where King and our three sons will be playing.

retirement adventures

Holding onto Summer

Today, a friend and her husband embarked on one of their retirement adventures to Indiana for a family reunion before heading to Texas for the winter. We Nomads don’t make hard and fast plans. Her plan is to return next summer, but no one ever commits to anything definite – except us. We will be back next spring for more retirement adventures. Gotta get those rounds of golf in.

retirement adventures

Living Life to the Fullest

retirement adventures

Honestly, I don’t begrudge King his golf outings with our sons. Life is too short to be upset about weekend outings. I reflect on the time spent with my parents – many happy days on the beach, cookouts, and yes, golf. One of King’s favorite retirement adventures. There came a time when Dad could no longer play as much as he would have liked. The kids grew up and moved away, and King and I moved to mid-Michigan for jobs. Mom and Dad no longer lived “just down the road,” and visits had to be planned in advance. But more than that, Mom and Dad slowed down – while they were still young at heart, they couldn’t keep up with us. I’m grateful for the time we spent with them and want our children to look back with fond memories of their time with their father. It’s a time of life where they can be friends as well as family.

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Cherishing Family Time

If my computer clock is to be believed, it’s 6:30 p.m. on Thursday. I’m sitting on the bentwood chair outside the store. Not exactly having one of my retirement adventures. The owners are busy with family activities with their daughters and will come out when a customer arrives. So far, I’ve sold six bundles of wood while sitting here. I don’t see any need to disturb the family when I’m just sitting here, so I smile, unlock the door, take their money (yes, I put it in the till), and lock back up. It’s the least I can do. Oh, how I remember trying to juggle work and family.

retirement adventures

Wrapping Up the Day

Life is good. The weather is beautiful, and time is marching on. Be most excellent to one another.

Retirement Adventures

Tell us some of your retirement adventures in the comments below!

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