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Exploring August Adventures: Summer’s Farewell & Travel Plans

Phyllis McCrossin Avatar

Exploring August

In the midst of exploring August, as schools across Indiana and Illinois reconvene, the sense of summer’s end permeates the air. Despite the lingering warmth in the upper 80s, there’s an undeniable hint of closure. Our balmy 80-degree days offer a welcome respite compared to the scorching triple-digit temperatures in other parts of the nation exploring August.

Life at the Campground: Beneath the Skies and Amidst Grass Blades

exploring August

Amidst this transition, life at the campground continues unabated. King diligently tends to the grass, occasionally taking on odd jobs that come his way. Meanwhile, I occupy myself within the campground store, a routine that consumes three days each week. In a way, our companionship often finds solace in silence, partly due to our diminished hearing abilities. King’s propensity to mumble endlessly leads me to believe he’s developed an entire language of his own. It’s a whimsical dance of words and expressions, a testament to the tapestry of our marriage.

A Symphony of Love and Years Shared

Speaking of marriage, a recent visit from friends exploring August, who accompanied me through high school brought a rush of nostalgia to the campground. These companions have traversed the path of matrimony for as long as King and I have, sharing the journey with equal parts love and laughter. As King and I united in our college days, our bond unwavering ever since, my friends’ story of lifelong hand-holding speaks volumes. Marriage, I’ve come to realize, is an endeavor that requires dedication, a labor of love and devotion, beautifully intertwined.

Of Chasing Dreams, Robin Hood, and Cigars

Our recent slumber was accompanied by the lingering glow of the television screen, as Kevin Costner’s portrayal of Robin Hood unfolded before us. Against the backdrop of Bryan Adams’ “I Do It for You,” Robin and Maid Marion’s union resonated deeply. This scene often prompts me to jestingly remind King of my pursuit in locating his preferred brand of cigars – a quest that often leads me to meander through countless stores in South Haven. Ah, the nuances of marriage, a delicate balance of friendship and the art of compromise.

Embarking on New Horizons: The Journey Ahead

Now, let’s shift our gaze to the horizon and our impending travel plans. As the week leading to Halloween approaches, we’re poised to bid adieu to Michigan’s embrace. Our sights are set on Mount Rushmore and the awe-inspiring expanse of Yellowstone, a journey that will guide us to the golden shores of California. While the whims of weather may steer our course, the allure of a flexible lifestyle propels us onward. With each dawn, we’re afforded the opportunity to chart a new course, adjusting our trajectory as the elements dictate.In closing, remember to tread lightly and extend kindness, leaving no room for the gritty quarrels that can arise within the sandbox of life. Whether beside a friend, a loved one, or the open road, let camaraderie guide your steps.

Exploring August

Exploring August Adventures: Summer’s Farewell & Travel Plans

Exploring August as summer wanes, experience the essence embracing campground life, cherished marriage reflections, and upcoming thrilling travel plans.

Phyllis McCrossin Avatar

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