Fishing at Lake Jennings
It’s 5:13 p.m. and I’ve already napped – twice – today. I could easily go to bed right now too.
Today, King our daughter and I took the boys on a fishing adventure to Lake Jennings.

Family Adventures At the Lake
No, we didn’t catch anything. In fact, the day went pretty much as we expected …. King and I were kept busy untangling lines. Our daughter was busy casting for the boys and the boys were busy asking if we could move the boat again and this time when we moved, could they drive?
I should not sound disparaging. It truly was an enjoyable day. We spent about five hours out on the water. The boys were real troopers but when they were done, they were done. One kept poking his pole into the water and stirring and the other curled up on the bottom of the boat and put his head on the seat, exhaustion taking over. Our daughter said they were asleep before she got out of the campground. I’m fairly certain King and I were as well.

After camping at Lake Jennings for almost four years now, I finally got to see the full shoreline of the lake. It didn’t disappoint. We saw Herons, egrets, eagles and a whole lot of other wildlife (but no fish).
The lake is regularly stocked so it wasn’t for lack of fish. Then, again, I’m kind of relieved. I have no problem baiting hooks but the thought of cleaning fish … I’d rather not. Depending on what was caught we could release them – except trout, which apparently don’t survive after being released. The dock hand told us if we didn’t want to keep the fish, provided we caught a trout, we could give it to another fisherman. He was obviously optimistic. And so, it goes.
Moving On
On Wednesday we are leaving Lake Jennings, our 90 days are up. We are going to Sweetwater Summit campground in Bonita, California. We chose Sweetwater as it has the most unobstructed skies for (wait for it) – satellite reception for the Super Bowl. Yes. We do have our priorities. From Sweetwater we will move to Guajeo Regional Park in Carlsbad. It’s a smaller urban campground and close to our daughter, but very difficult to get into as apparently being urban it is quite popular. We’ve never stayed there before, so this will be a learning experience. Our plans for the remainder of February and March are rather up in the air. We will be bouncing from campground to campground opting to camp in more remote areas on the weeks we are not babysitting. Of course, the boys’ baseball starts during this time as well, so we will kind of take a wait and see stance. I’d rather just be fishing at Lake Jennings.

And, speaking of sports, back in Michigan our son is coaching two of his daughters’ basketball teams. I admire his patience. The other grandchildren are busy with school sports, choir and the two who have graduated are busy adulting.
Life goes on.
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