Summer at Kal Haven Outpost: RV Adventures, Crafts, and Comradery
King and I have been staying at Kal Haven Outpost since April. Our days are fairly similar, up early, King walks Petra, I make the bed, fix breakfast, sweep the floor and then we go to our respective jobs, or do nothing, depending on the day. It’s a hard life.
From Her-a-canes to Atmospheric Rivers: The Evolution of Weather Patterns and Terminology
Until 1978 hurricanes were named after females. I recall when I was in grade school my older sister telling my father it was because they were Her-a-canes, not Him-a-canes. She was being sarcastic, but to an impressionable child in elementary school it made sense, although even at that young an age I found it annoying.
Being Trapped
Being Trapped I have a major character flaw — one that started in elementary school. I hated going somewhere because I had to be there, and I hate the feeling of being trapped. As early as third grade, I had…
Fishing at Lake Jennings: Family Adventures and Wildlife Encounters
Enjoyed a fishing adventure at Lake Jennings with the family, untangling lines and admiring wildlife. No catches, but a memorable day on the water. #Fishing #FamilyTime #LakeJennings
Full Time RV Living
People have a preconceived notion of what full-time RV living is like. They picture adventure every day, seeing new sights, visiting new places, exploring vast wilderness areas… In reality, that’s about one-sixteenth of our life.
Traveling Together: Embracing the Nomad Lifestyle
In 2018, after 42 years of marriage, we embarked on an extraordinary adventure—traveling full-time as nomads. Our journey began with packing up our lives and storing the essentials in nine boxes.